Monday, January 07, 2008


今天无意中想起心悦出世后出院那天的感觉。细细回想...当时我抱着心悦在等冠雄办出院手续;心里莫名的喜悦,好象小时候得了奖或礼物一样――那份喜悦好象满得要从我心里、嘴里溢出来一样! 希彤初生的时候,我抱着她,也有同样的感觉。这次的感觉稍微不同――好象在做梦;因为是第二次,所以感觉似曾相识。

Faith (7 days) 02112007130


Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Hiding Place

Faith found another new hiding place...



She's very amused whenever she managed to surprise me this way. Cheeky girl. *LOL*

Growing Pains

Faith has 'suffered' lots of changes this last year...from the time we started expecting her new sibling.

I say this to myself and parents out there with children who are 2 -- terrible 2 is more terrible for them than for us. It is easier for us -- now, when they are 2 -- to smack or discipline to get them to do our bidding. I know it works because it worked for my mom when I was 2. I also know it failed -- I was only waiting to grow big enough to rebel. So does it really work? We decided that method was a menace and we continue to pray for God's guidance as we love and guide Faith in turn. I know that if God did not claim me when I was a teenager and nobody could convince me to follow Christ, I could have been totally beyond redemption.

Anyway, we are learning as Faith is, one day at a time...

She has learnt to caress her baby sister's hair, toes and fingers.

She leaned from her carseat to kiss Joy today.

She laughs when Joy sneezes.

She has learnt that she and Joy take turns to nurse at bedtime.

She has learnt that she can cuddle up with Daddy before Mommy settles Baby to sleep and snuggles back to pat her.

She has learnt that Daddy loves her as much as Mommy does and she can go to Daddy for her needs...she is so much closer to Daddy now.

I love her so much...for all these little bits and pieces of tough times...

Soon she'll be going to school...

Soon they would grow enough to play and giggle together...

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